Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Enroute to Cambodia

On the way to Cambodia, I planned some days in the north of Vietnam. Flying into Hanoi, then to the mountains for a couple days and finally, no surprise for me, two days on Halong Bay in a Chinese Junk.

I'm in Sapa after taking the night train from Hanoi. It was a sleepler compartment, shared between 4 people. Lucky me, my ticket assignment was for a lower berth. Toilet was down the hall. My companions were a German software guy from near Munich, a Dutch tax lawyer from Amsterdam and his girlfriend, a banker in human resources living in Rostoff, Poland. Dutch guy and Polish gal have a distance relationship. It was nice that the 4 of us all could speak English together and we had interesting conversation before settling down to sleep for the duration of the 9-hour trip.

Today, my guide and I trekked down to the Hmong minority tribe village. The guide is a young man, pretty good English and very bright. I have him again tomorrow. He was born in a mountain minority village, where most of the children have only a dim future in store. But he had a benefactor from Canada who "adopted" him, sending money and paying for his university education. He has done well, and his success proves the benefit of this kind of aid. He is making his Canadian folks proud.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing with all of us this wonderful trip/build.... We all look forward to seeing more and wish you safe travels :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Nancy,
Great blog. Have a wonderful trip and keep writing. It's great to hear about your adventures and the upcoming build. Andrea @PHFH

Barb Dunn said...

So glad you arrived safely. I'll be following as your adventure progresses -- love the pictures and commentary.

Anonymous said...

All is well and thanks for leaving the comments. Love hearing from the home folks. :-) Nancy

Jerry33 said...

God Speed!

Christy Shepard said...

Nancy...I was wondering if you were going to get out of NJ. We just got our electric back last night (we had 20" snow!) So happy my computer is up & I can see your pictures & progress! I'll be thinking of you & wishing I was there sharing your adventure! Tell Jim hello for me! Can't wait to see & hear more!
Love, Christy

Sapabigesdestinationforus said...

Hi nancy thank you alot for sharing with us me and people in sapa could say thank you alot to you!
Love from san sapa vietnam

Sapabigesdestinationforus said...

Hi Nancy one new days stating for me! sapa to days weather very cold for me and out side is heavy rain we hope in afternoon weather getting better!
WE hope you will have great time in cambodia
With love



Sapabigesdestinationforus said...

Nancy please come to visit my blogs sapagigesdestination!

Garry N ( PHFH) said...

Nancy: We are enjoying the great pictures and the wonderful comments on each. We hope you have a great build this week. Keep those pictures coming!
Garry N. PHFH