Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hello Phnom Penh

Bernard Tan and Gary Tan of Singapore, win the prize for first arrival in the city. Next to arrive, Nancy DeVries and then James Vargo. And so we are beginning to gather and make acquaintances of our team.
The city is like many of the Asian ones, busy with a traffic mix of cars and motorbikes and tuk tuks. You must have to focus to safely ride your bike as all vehicles drive along within 12 inches of the each other. Helmets for the bikes are required, but not always worn, and the regulation is loosely applied.

First night here,  Nov 9th, and a few days ahead of the official Habitat work. Bernard and Gary plus Nancy and Nancy's cousin, Ellie, visiting from Chiang Mai, Thailand, joined for dinner at a local Khmer/Thai restaurant.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Selocme to another area of the world waiting for your good work. It's a wonderful part of the world and I'm glad you're having a chance to expericecnce it and it to experience you !!
Good luck and thank you, good ambassadors.
Nancy's friend Ruth B