Monday, April 18, 2011


It's a country and a city of contrast: at times beautiful and beguiling, at times desperate and distressing. Cambodia and its largest city, Phnom Penh. They are a crossroad of Asia's past and present, a country and a city of extremes of poverty and excess, but still captivating.

And, it's where Habitat for Humanity’s Khmer Harvest Build will take place Nov. 13-19. In Oudong, Cambodia, about 25 miles outside of Phnom Penh. International volunteers from around the world will work alongside Khmer families to build 22 homes in five days.

The houses will each have sanitation facilities, a rainwater collection tank and a solar-energy panel. The project also includes a day of work on the community's farm, harvesting and building an irrigation interesting slant for our volunteers on this Build. Other areas of the farm will include space set aside for raising chickens and fish (we may be involved in this development!).

These views of the country from the internet. Actual on-site photos later, when we are "in country".

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